Tuesday, November 28, 2006

back from palm tree-a-gogo land

back from florida...a mild shade darker. weather wasnt the greatest, but its okay i got a couple of good beach days in. i did some good shopping tho! thrill of my life. funniest thing to happen in florida....MICHELLE FARTED IN HER SLEEP!! yea it was super loud too. too funny. i will never let her live this down. my computer died. it just stopped working all together. so i must send it in to get fixed...so in the mean time i am using marcus' laptop. marcus to the rescue! i cant imagine not having a computer for like over a week. i already freaked out over a couple of days cause i couldnt check my mail. tre hellish. toodles.

p.s. i watched a really funny video in spanish class today. it was on hispanic people in the u.s. and they showed these puerto rican guys in new york, who were rappers, but they would rap in english, and then throw in some words in spanish. umm yea, really bad, and really funny. my favorite part is when they made up some words..."when i am rapiando(rapping).....and hangiando(hanging)" HA! full of hilariosity!

p.p.s. it was from the early 90's, and the haircuts and clothes were priceless.


erika said...

hahaha! she sleep farted! classic!
i'm soo glad you have a computer to blog with again! tres fab!

Unknown said...

sister. surprise. i read your blog. and i hate you. :)


Marc said...

HAHA farts are funny! w00tw00t