Wednesday, November 15, 2006

almost there

so close to florida..i can almost taste it! today was relatively uneventful, unless you count the fact that i had this hideously big bump in my hair. yea. i was rockin a ponytail today, and somewhere between my car , class and my next class there was a maybe 2 inch high bump in my hair. i wish i had a camera. i finally saw when i got to the glass doors of my second class, and i saw my reflection! why did no one say anything! im sure people wouldnt have wanted to call me out in front of my entire first class, but we were doing group work! someone could of nudged me, and been like 'hey you look stupid'. tre embarrassing. but hilarious now! poo. i love diet cherry coke. im so happy i got one today. and i had a cookie. but now im full and my tummy kinda hurts. totally worth it. tata for now...



1 comment:

Marc said...

MMMM i do like cherry coke... minus the diet!!!!