Wednesday, June 20, 2007

strawberries and chocolate cake

so apparently, every month, we celebrate everyones birthdays with cake and singing and a lovely pretty much hour long break from work. too bad today only one of the 5 people whos birthday it was came into work. tre hilarious. i was uber excited for some cake, and on the outside it looked normal. however i got a horrendous suprise while i was forced to cut..the cake not the cheese. also, apparently whoever is the newest is the one required to cut the cake, and everyone heckles you while you do it too, the heckling i got was mainly be careful you have so much hair it might end up getting highlighted with icing, in which case i proceeded to pull my hair back, and have them continue to comment on the mass amounts of hair. anyways, i cut the cake, and maybe the cheese at the same time, and see a disgusting pink filling. i gave it the benefit of the doubt and tried it anyways...ummmm ew. strawberry buttercream with chocolate cake is tre nasty. and not to mention it had mild coconut on the top. and everyone went gaga over it, omg its so good, where did it come from....yea i think it came from the gates of hell. i politely ate maybe half the piece, then went to my desk to throw it out, and wash the taste out with a post it i found on the floor, trust me it was much improved. next time we get cake, i think i'll order it, or heck maybe ill just pick up some dirt, mix it with water and add confetti...i think it would have the same effect. just like having dina lohan be your mom, is aboout the same as having a pet weasel be your parental figure. and now to end with the the 'things to ponder' inspired thought, do illiterate people find that alphabet soup is mocking them? if you served it to them, would they be offended? away laughing on a fast camel.


Marc said...

LOL the cake sounds like it would be good. And illiterate people probably don't know those are letters in alphabet soup cause they are illiterate, they probably just think its ugly shapes. So put that in your pipe and smoke it.

Natalie said...

The cake sounds delish!


Love the pondering thoughts.
And the camel riding of course.