Thursday, May 24, 2007

rebel without a cause

yes, its true, im back...for how long is anyones guess. why am i a rebel, because i am right now blogging from work! ha! im so badass. well actually, im allowed to, technically. when im on receptionist duty, and ive done my tasks already, im allowed to mess around on the internet, cause then theres nothing else to do but answer the phone, and we honestly get like 10-15 calls a day. in the afternoon starts the interning part, then i get projects and such..but for the morning i play on the internet, and catch up on current events...but mostly some fab celeb gossip. this will be short, all i wanted to talk about was the virgin shark birth i just read about...i think one of 2 things is really going on...the "virgin" shark who had the illegitimate baby is lying so all the other sharks don't call her a slutface...or this new shark baby is quite possibly the next jesus. nuff' said. away laughing on a fast camel


Natalie said...

I'll go with its Jesus, in whale format. Loves it.
p.s. Happy you're back, for now, at least.

erika said...

i was not 14, and i'll go with it's a slut whale, just for the hell of it.