Saturday, December 2, 2006

maybe i should shower...

so the past 2 days can be summed up in 3 words...i hate school. end of story. my comparative government teacher is mean. he assigns us a take home quiz on thursday, which sounds fine at first, but only to discover this so called "quiz" consists of 295 questions. yes thats right. i have never taken a test final quiz or anything that long. the only thing that comes close is the sat's. did i mention that that class is an elective, oh and its suppose to be freshman level. yea. finally finished. now to finish the million and one other things i have to do to finish off this semester. blah. school has just kicked me in the balls. yes thats right, i have balls, small ones but they're totally there. ew. as you may have noticed,i have taken my unhealthy mary kate olsen obsession and displayed it for all to see. well once again, marc did it for me, i just chose the pictures. teehe. which leads me into my next thought, i wanna be a hippy. i wish i didn't have to shower or shave or do anything except lay around in comfy clothes. i don't actually believe in anything hippies believe in, but i just wanna act like one. speaking of which if i don't pluck my eyebrows soon i really will look like one. eek. and i don't brush my hair very often either...maybe i already am a hippy...i already have the dance down.whatever.back to being productive. away laughing on a fast camel.



Marc said...

Yes your boyfriend would prefer you keep shaving, i shave my beard and unibrow for you!! least you can do is your arm pits and legs! so keep it up!

erika said...

dude, i hate shaving my legs. lets be hippies all summer and wear lots of tye-dye and ban hair-brushing. we could have the sweetest dreds in town for sure.

Natalie said...

I'm all about being a hippy.
Shaving your legs is totally overrated. Especially when you already have a boyfriend. They should love you for who you are, hairy legs and all! (Ha, I said it - take that marc! ok, i'm sorry, don't hate me.)